I am a son, a brother, a father, a neighbor, a friend, and a widower. I live and work in beautiful downtown Durham, North Carolina, and I’m originally from a small town in Missouri. The eldest of three kids, I grew up in a suburban middle-class family with loving parents. The first in my family to go off to college, I went to the University of Missouri and chose to be an engineer. I spent my junior year studying in Japan, finished the degree at Mizzou, and got a job with nearby 3M Corporation. Things were looking good!

I subsequently got a job with an international automotive supplier where I spent the next 20 years of my career. I got married to a lady who had two adorable little girls. We then went on to have a baby boy. I got an MBA, we moved several times, and received several promotions with interesting assignments. Life was great! Until it wasn’t.

Something was missing. I felt like I was simply trading my time for money. I wasn’t helping people like I wanted to in my career. I had made a mistake in becoming an engineer. A big one! I eventually resigned and started my own business. I also hired a coach. This changed my life and I haven’t been the same since. I started to be honest with myself. To get clear on my values and priorities. To set goals and focus on being the best version of myself. My wife didn’t like the new me, and our marriage ended in divorce. This was a difficult time.

The company I started was a recruiting firm, and it took off like a rocket. I thought I was on top again, but the recession of 2008-2009 nearly killed that rocket. I moved to Durham, North Carolina to help my mom get a lung transplant and began to run my recruiting business remotely. This was way before working remote was commonplace. I found myself in an unfamiliar city trying to keep both my business and my mother alive. What was happening?

And then I met someone. Someone who was attracted to me because of the person I was becoming. Kim and I met on eHarmony and we dated for about a year before getting married. I continued to be coached during this entire period, and I became an avid student of coaching, positive psychology and personal development. I sold my recruiting business and launched my own coaching firm – Best Life Global. Life was not only good again, it was GREAT!

And then life changed. Suddenly.

As I was finishing up my PhD in psychology, Kim was diagnosed with ALS. The love of my life was handed a death sentence. The year of caregiving for my beloved Kim during her journey with ALS was transformational, and forged me into a better human. I am uniquely aware of the fragility of life and I carry an urgency for each of us to live our best lives, each and every day.

Today, I am blessed to be able to combine my life experience, work experience, education and passions to help my clients flourish in their personal and professional lives. My journey in both corporate America and entrepreneurial endeavors brings real-world experience to our conversations. I’ve loved. I’ve lost. I’ve lived it.

My experience with being coached completely transformed my life, and it was this experience that moved me into the profession of coaching as my career. With a unique bias for action, I work one-on-one with high performing people as their coach to help them achieve their goals - faster and better than they would do on their own.

As a certified coach, I tailor the specifics of each coaching relationship to the unique needs of my clients. I continue to be amazed by the growth, impact and joy that my clients experience through their coaching journey.

I remain optimistic, energetic and excited to embrace each day. I love what I do for a living, and am excited to help as many people as possible with the time I have left.