
Ever since I was a little boy, I knew I wanted to be a writer.  I got derailed in college and the first part of my career, but I have returned to my love. Writing is my passion and is the best way I know how to help more people. I’m now questioning if I’m a coach who likes to write, or a writer who likes to coach. Regardless, they are both ways to help people, which I love. I’m also motivated to improve my craft, and one day be a great writer like some of my inspirations - Henry David Thoreau, Anne Rice, and Steven King.

This deeply honest memoir is about my journey of caregiving for my wife during “the year of ALS.” It is a roadmap for how to choose love over anger and faith over fate. Kim taught me how to live each day fully. What can you do today to live with more intention, more joy, more love, less fear, and start tapping into the power of being uniquely present to each precious moment of your one and only life here on earth?

This book is partially an autobiography as well as a source of personal development advice. I share my life story, including the mid-life crisis that changed it all. Weaving in principles on how to live your best life, I take the reader on a roller coaster journey as I vulnerably expose some of the key events of my life and the meaning behind them.

Far from your typical leadership or business book, this fictional tale takes you on an emotional journey through the eyes of characters who allow the opportunity for profound, permanent life change and growth.

For those interested in an academic study on the nuances of experiencing layoff, my PhD dissertation might be a good read. Fascinating themes emerged from the analysis of my qualitative research which may change one’s view of the effect of corporate layoff.