Lessons from my mentor

My travels recently brought me to St. Louis to speak at the 64th Annual Eagle Summit. The Eagle Summit is an event that has been led by my mentor and coach, Dr. Tom Hill, for over 25 years. Tom just turned 88 years old but has the energy and spirit of a much younger man. I was honored to be able to spend time with Tom and give a talk about ­­resilience to the attendees of the Summit.

I’m so thankful that I met Tom when I did, and that he became my mentor and coach. I can’t imagine where my life would be right now without the influence he has had on me.  Tom taught me a process for gaining clarity on my life and how to pursue personal growth. Tom taught me how to live a life with intention, integrity, and love. It is because of Tom’s influence in my life that I became a psychologist and a coach.

Here are many of the philosophies that Tom taught me… 

  1. Personal discipline leads to personal freedom.

  2. One person, who’s attracted to you because of who you have become, can change your life forever.

  3. One idea, well executed, can change your life forever.

  4. You and I have a moral obligation to make a positive difference in the lives of every person we come in contact with.

  5. You and I have a moral obligation to be the very best person we can be with our God-given talents and opportunities.

  6. Inch by inch, a mile’s a cinch.

  7. Question: How tall will a tree grow?  Answer: As tall as it can.  Question: Have you grown as much as you can?

  8. Set personal goals in 18-month time horizons (a G-curve), focus on these goals, and watch your life soar.  Do this until you die.

  9. You and I are each spiritual beings having a very short physical experience.

These are the simple philosophies that lead to a great life.


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