Speaking Topics

I conduct keynotes, workshops, and other speaking engagements around topics of resilience, positive psychology, high performance, motivation, and organizational development. I would be honored to come speak to your organization.

As a keynote, this inspirational message takes the audience through an emotional journey, highlighting stories and lessons derived from my late wife’s  life, battle with ALS, death, and legacy. Applicable to adults at any stage in life, the main point of the presentation is to learn to live and work each day (each moment), without fear, with joy and appreciation, and with urgency to do the most important things in life, NOW.

Offered as a stand-alone speech or an interactive workshop, this presentation introduces a unique framework for developing resiliency. Through the incorporation of elements of the science of Positive Psychology,  PhD dissertation research on adult resilience, and lessons learned from my wife’s battle with ALS, a unique framework for developing resiliency is shared. The audience will leave with tools to build upon personal and team leadership. 

When you ask someone how they’re doing, I can predict the response.  It will either be “OK,” or something like “I’m so busy.” Friends, Busy is Bad!

We live in a world where “busyness” can quietly steal our time, attention, and productivity. It takes a high degree of personal discipline and intention to overcome the inertia of our busy world. Offered as either a keynote or as an interactive workshop, the Busy is Bad presentation will educate and motivate the audience to living their best lives, and doing their work, in a way that promotes balance, growth, and progress on things that matter most.