Can layoff be a blessing in disguise?

Life can be hard. Life can be unfair. Life can be short.  But life can also be good!

On the subject of hard and unfair, I know of many friends who have been laid off from tech roles in the last couple of months. I’m telling them the same thing that I want to share with you.

Losing a job through layoff might be a blessing in disguise.

Why do I say this? Because my recent PhD research revealed this to be true. As the final step in my doctoral journey, I conducted a qualitative research study on resilience. My research looked into the lived experience of losing a job through layoff.  The common themes that emerged from my research were:

1.    A Dark Journey.  Every one of the participants in my research went through a period of doubt, shame, loss of identity, and disillusionment after losing their job. There was no way to shortcut this emotional process.  It’s ok. Just go through it, knowing it won’t last forever.

2.    A Blessing in Disguise. Every one of the participants looked back on losing their job as a blessing. Many ended up in better jobs, but that was not the point. Every one of them recognized the profound personal growth that they experienced in the journey as one that made them better, stronger, more capable.

3.    Importance of Family. In my research, every person leaned heavily on their spouse and children for emotional support. Let your family help you.

4.    Importance of Your Network.  92% of the participants in my study found their next job through someone they already knew. I’ve seen this same phenomenon over and over during my 10 years in running my recruiting company.  Let people who know and love you help you.

5.    Meaning. Every participant in my study made sure that the job they accepted after being laid off was one that connected more with their personal sense of meaning and contribution, and they were less interested in money or title.

As a recruiter and as a coach, I’ve helped hundreds of people navigate the process of finding a job after they’ve been laid off. The ones who take on this journey with the right mindset and commitment are the ones that win! If you or a friend or a loved one has recently lost a job, whether a tech role via layoff, or other roles for other reasons, I suggest you apply the five themes identified above.

 Way too many people let worry, fear, and laziness steal their productivity in finding a job after layoff, and they become their own biggest problem.  Don’t let this be you. You’ve got this. I’m rooting for you.




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