(Re)learning Patience … the hard way!

I broke my foot on March 3rd during a pickleball match and I've been hobbling around with an orthopedic boot.

And now, I’m relearning a valuable lesson. P-A-T-I-E-N-C-E.

My orthopedic doctor told me to wear the boot for at least a month. I thought my body would heal faster than that, so I took off the boot after a few days. BIG MISTAKE. I reinjured my foot as a result. I’m now learning to listen to those who know better and to keep the boot on. Broken human bones take time to heal. Period. It’s not my nature to be patient, but patience is the right medicine for my broken foot.

And patience is a virtue in so many other ways in life. Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “The fastest results come from being infinitely patient.”

Being patient…

- is the best way to establish new habits
- is the way to focus on the process, not the results
- can be an antidote to anxiety
- with yourself can be helpful to avoid unnecessary guilt or shame
- can connect with better presence, focus, and flow
- is the best way to relate with other people

I write down my goals every day. At the top of the list is, “Do this day without worry or hurry.” Another way of saying the same thing is, “Do this day with confidence and patience.”

I’m finding that a confident and patient day is the best kind of day.

I’m challenging myself to approach life with more patience. I suggest the same for you.


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