Leap Day Delight: Marriage and Gratitude for Groups!

Happy Leap Day!! I hope you are finding a fun way to celebrate this unique day. For me, I’m taking today to soak in gratitude.

First, I’m excited to share that Tanya and I got married. We tied the knot on Valentine’s Day, and we are both super happy. We held a beautiful, private ceremony with our pastor and close friends at our church in Durham, NC. I thank God daily for the gift of this amazing relationship, and I’m committed to being the best husband I can be.

Secondly, I’m grateful for a sense of flourishing I haven’t felt for several years. You probably know that my late wife, Kim, was diagnosed with ALS in early 2020, and she died just over a year later. It was grueling. Kim is now in heaven, and I’ve been steadily rebuilding my life as a widower, with a focus on my spiritual, physical, emotional, and relational health. I took a lot of time off. I traveled. I wrote a book. I rebuilt my coaching business. It was a true miracle meeting Tanya two years ago, and one that I can’t begin to explain.

What I can explain are the blessings coming my way from my intentional actions toward building relationships in other ways. The science of positive psychology has proven how important “positive relationships” are in living a life of flourishing. Being actively connected with family, friends, colleagues, and other one-on-one relationships is essential for a life well-lived

But I’m also experiencing the benefits of being an active part of “groups.” I’ve been intentionally seeking out and getting involved with various groups and am noticing how my “bucket is being filled” as a result. 

I’m finding that there is so much good that comes from being a part of groups, whether as a leader or a quiet follower. I’m both. Being a part of groups allows us the opportunity to get out of our own heads and listen to other people, help other people, and contribute to the community. We learn from other people. We teach other people. We grow. We get happier. We flourish.

Of all the groups that I’ve been a part of in my adult life, the ones in which I experienced the most profound growth and enjoyment were various Mastermind groups. There is a magic that shows up when you get a group of adults together to navigate life in this way. I encourage you to join a Mastermind group or, better yet, start one. Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich has an entire chapter explaining the Mastermind concept. I can send you some resources on how I’ve started Mastermind groups if you’d like.

Whether it’s a Mastermind Group, a life group, a running group, a bunco group, or any other kind of group, I encourage you to become more involved in groups. I predict your life will get better as a result.


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