Prioritizing Relationships: A Key to Flourishing

I’ve been thinking deeply about how important relationships are in my life. January 31st was my dad’s 85th birthday. I had a nice call with him, and he’s doing pretty well. My mom passed away a couple of years ago. I miss her dearly. The love of family is precious, for sure. 

But I’m also keenly aware of the importance of other relationships in our lives, and I’m convinced that building and nourishing abundant positive relationships with a variety of people is fertilization for flourishing.  As I coach people, I have them write down their priorities and then commit to life-long growth in each area.  My top three priorities are, in order of importance:

  1. Spiritual

  2. Physical Health

  3. Relationship 

So, I’m saying that behind my relationship with God and my own physical health, my relationships with other people are the most important aspect of my life. There is a great deal of science out there that proves the fact that having abundant positive relationships is a key element of a life well lived.

The Covid pandemic set many people back in terms of relationships. For me, this was soon followed by my late wife, Kim’s diagnosis with ALS, and the subsequent year of caring for her until she passed in May 2021. The next 18 months were a time for recovering and rebuilding.

I now feel healthy and reenergized, and I’m excited to embrace the future and all its possibilities. Tanya and I are engaged and will be getting married soon. I love her family, and my family loves her. I’m blessed beyond measure by the miracle of this loving relationship.

I’m investing more of my time and energy into maintaining and building positive relationships in a variety of ways. I’m involved in groups such as the Rotary Club of Durham, the board of the Diaper Bank of NC, the board of New Hope Church, the RPT Angel Investment Group, and my local mastermind group.  I’ve also set a goal to meet with two people per day, with no motivation other than simply to get to know new people and deepen the connection with existing relationships.  I know that magic will come from this, and I smile in anticipation of what’s to show up

Are you doing the same thing? Are you making a priority of deepening your current relationships and growing new ones? If not, I encourage you to do it! Anyone can do this. You don’t have to be an extravert. It doesn’t have to cost money. It just requires your time and effort and a genuine interest in other people.

While you’re at it, make sure that you’re spending most of your time with the right people. Spend it with people who are positive, who lift you up, and who encourage your dreams. Jim Rohn said that you become the average of the five adults you spend the most time with. Choose wisely!


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