What does “Happy New Year” mean?


I’m shouting that to you, and I really mean it! I hope 2024 is your best year ever. I’m planning that for my life.  Are you planning that for yours?

I was at a party the other night. I ran into a good friend, who immediately said “Happy New Year” as he toasted my drink. He then immediately went on to tell me how bad 2024 is going to be. He told me in great detail how worried he was and how it was going to be one of the worst years ever. The presidential election. Wars in Ukraine and Israel. Inflation. Climate change. On and on and on...

I stayed polite and just nodded my head. But I was thinking - he doesn’t get it. Happiness is an inside job.  It’s a choice.

Yes, there are lots of problems in the world. And they are serious. And they need our attention. But they don’t need our every thought and compulsion. By the way, there have always been lots of problems in the world, and there always will be.

I choose happiness. 

I choose positivity over pessimism.

I choose faith over fear.

I choose love over hate.

And I choose to have a HAPPY NEW YEAR in my life, and I wish the same for you.

By the way, there’s a ton of science out there proving that growing positivity in your life leads to a better life. Better health. Better relationships. More productivity. A better life.

Here’s an idea. Instead of setting New Year’s Resolutions (which never work), how about choosing to be more positive, and then work on that all year long? I can guarantee that your 2024 will benefit as a result.


Prioritizing Relationships: A Key to Flourishing


No Resolutions for the New Year!